Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The New Network

We finally got our new wireless network up and running. Who would have thought that a new router would make so much difference.

Our old network compares to a car that is driving basically on fumes. You aren't going to get very far from home when you realize that you can't go anywhere. Our older router had a couple issues and you could get about 75% or less 8 feet from the router and don't even think about going in the other room.

Our new network is like a Smart car. All you need is battery and you will keep on cruising.

Not to mention that the old router seemed to drag down my "plugged" speed too. With the new router I am getting much faster reaction times with my "plugged" devices as well. Kinda crazy, who would have thought that buying a new router would actually merit writing up a whole blog post ;)

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