Monday, April 30, 2012

Printer Update

We have been running our T-Shirt printer quite a bit since we finally got it going. We have also ruined quite a few shirts trying to test things and make sure everything is working out right :)

This printer will print Photo quality images on any color of background. The prints on black shirts look amazing. We have just about perfected printing on White shirts but we still need a little practice on black shirts. Its pretty fun to use. The best part is that we can print single units and there are no fees so its pretty affordable for anyone to buy singles or large orders.

We also started printing on canvas boards and are getting some great results. We used some nice images we took in the Uinta Mountains and they turned out awesome.

Anyways, I'll keep updating the progress with the printer... We are going to be working on some new ways to use it :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

New T-Shirt Printer

Hey Everyone,

We have finally received out new T-Shirt Printer. We got it all set up this week and it is ready to start printing. We are waiting for a pretty large order of shirts to come in before we fire it up. That way we have plenty of stock to play with in case we mess a few up when it gets going.

We have had our Graphic Design business running for about a year and a half now and this will be a pretty welcome addition to our business. It's going to take a little more time but the plan is to have a store front a year from now.

Our business has taken quite a large jump in potential, now its just time to make it a reality.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

You never know when an Idiot will strike - Episode 7

Hey everyone, its been a while since I have really used my blog but I was buying lottery tickets for the mega millions the other day and encountered a real winner in line with me.... (by the way, the lottery was up to 640 million for those of you who didn't hear).

This isn't going to be exactly quoted but here goes:

Story: We are in Preston Idaho at the northern end of town waiting in line to buy tickets

Lady: Oh!! I need this soooooo bad..... I really need to win this.
Random Bearded Guy:  Well lady, I think we all need this. If we didn't we wouldn't be here.
Me: Yeah, good luck though the odds are somewhere around 1:700,000,000 (which was a guess).
Lady: Well, I didn't know if I was even going to make it up here without blowing a tire so I had to put new tires on my car so that I could drive up here to buy tickets.
Me: Where did you drive from?
Lady: West Jordan..... (there was a long pause as the bearded guy and I stared at her stupidly)
Lady: Yeah, My husband left me about a month ago and I really need to win this. I spent so much money to get here that I can't afford to not win.

(by the way, West Jordon to Preston is about 2.5 hours or so.... give or take several minutes)

At this point there were probably about 10 people leaning out of line to see who this person was.

The bearded guy continued to make fun of her for the next 10 minutes, the best part is that I don't think she got it.

This just goes to show the exact reason why we don't have a lottery in Utah. Too many people are this stupid and would rather spend a thousand dollars on tires so that they can gamble rather than using that to feed their kids. (and by the way she had her two kids with her).

I think gambling can really positively affect a state.. If Utah had a lottery and worked it like Idaho or Wyoming does, I think it would greatly impact our school system like it does in those states. On the other hand, there are way too many people that would rather take a chance on gambling than feed their family. Oh well, I hope you liked the story :)