Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Firework Dilemma

I was at Smiths earlier today and saw that they had some new aerial fireworks (since they are now legal in Utah). They had a 15 shot, 5 tube launcher that said it would shoot the balls 150 feet high. Guess how much it cost..... $69.99...... Wait.... ARE YOU SERIOUS????

I did some simple math: From my home in Brigham City, Utah to Evanston, Wyoming is exactly 97.7 Miles. My wifes car gets 26-28 miles per gallon around town. So, lets round up and say 30 mpg on the highway. Now, fuel at Smiths costs $3.21 per gallon but everywhere else it is about $3.30 or so. So, lets pretend gas is $3.30 per gallon.

So, 195.4 Miles Round Trip @ 30 Miles Per Gallon = $21.50 just to drive to Evanston and back. Plus lets add in that I am going to want a burger and fries for my wife, son, and myself @ about $20.00 or so total. I can buy somewhere around $40.00 Dollars worth of spectacular aerial fireworks and have enough to set off that I can get completely bored lighting them and have to save them up for another day (or two). (trust me, you can get boat loads for cheap up there).

Lets Re-cap what we just learned: For $81.50 I can take a small 3 (or so) hour road trip, Eat, and buy 2 nights worth of complete firework entertainment. However, Smiths (and everywhere else) want to charge me $70 bucks for one, 15 shot firework.


Lets apply this to Cedar City, Utah.... Since I love this town so much:

614 Miles Round Trip @ 30 Miles Per Gallon paying $3.35 per gallon (since Cedar is a little more pricey for gas) = $68.56 Plus some food lets say it ends up at $100.00........ Then pay for your fireworks, lets say about $40.00.

So, for the price of 2 fireworks at Smiths, you can drive all the way to Evanston and get 2 days worth of fun. HMMMMMM, that is a tough one, even for Cedar City :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Snowy Conditions in The Uintas,,, Bummer

The awaited trip was upon us. My fishing hands were twitchy as I patiently awaited our arrival. The drive from Kamas was green with no snow in sight. "Those pictures couldn't have been from this week" I thought to myself as we made the steady climb into the mountains. As the ascent continued there were only slight traces of visible snow on the distant peaks. "FINALLY" I say to myself, "I can finally go fishing". Not too long after all this is going on in my head, we come across this:

And by "this" I mean the snow on the sides. The truck in front of us is my Father-in-law (and mother-in-law). Realizing that we weren't even to the turnoff for Washington Lake my heart began to beat faster, knowing that there was potential for no fishing or hiking. We drove a little farther "Washington is just around the corner" I said to my wife "we might get lucky". We came around the bend saw the sign for the turnoff almost completely covered in snow and then saw this:

"Well Sh**!!!!!" I say to crew. Looks like we aren't getting in there. You can see the stop sign on the left, that is the entrance to Washington and Trial Lakes. I was considering going for a run at it but after the first few feet I still wouldn't be anywhere near where I needed to go. Oh well, we are here, lets see how far up the road goes.

This one below is my 18 month old. It was around 85 degrees or so when we were up there so don't think I'm a bad parent for him not having shoes on :) I wrote his name in the side for fun, as you can see though, the snow banks on this side are around 4.5 feet high. On the other side of the road they were a little over 5 feet high.

Bald mountain definitely isn't looking bald at the moment:

This one below might be a little hard to make out but right about the center you can see the snow being blown from the giant snow blower. The snow blower is right below the scenic lookout that is on Bald Mountain Pass. just pat the "road closed" sign is where we were playing in the snow. from the picture you can sorta see that we were only one bend away from the snow blower. From what I can tell it shouldn't be long before the road is open all the way through.

On our way back down we stopped for a few more pictures. This one is right there just north of the turnoff for Washington Lake. you can see this piece of water coming out from under the road and then disappearing back under the snow. Spots like this are all over the place right now. Not to mention that there are portions of the Provo River that are well over the bank and just rampaging through the trees.

We continued down and took a few shots of the Provo Falls. Quite pretty although its rip roaring pretty ferociously. Its pretty but I think its a little more photo eligible when it isn't turned up so high:

I think the picture below is upside down, but oh well... I am not going to take the time to flip it over. This one is just a random little part that is flowing into the river right next to the falls.

This one below is also flowing in from the side. I don't remember seeing this one normally but it looks like it may have always been there.

That is just so much freaking water. It almost doesn't look like a fall. Its just a mass amount of water going down a hill. When it slows down a bit (which might be a little while) I'm sure it will be a different set of falls from what it once was.

And here are some other fun pictures that we took while up in the Uintas:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Heading out tonight

We are heading to Park City tonight. Tomorrow will be Uinta Fishing... Although, with some recent pictures that were taken and sent to me yesterday, it looks like we won't be doing nearly as much fishing as I had anticipated.

This year has been one of the worst snowy seasons that I have ever seen in any mountains that I frequent. There is still quite a bit of snow up in the Uinta Mountains and the Mirror Lake Highway isn't even open yet. I don't know how good the hiking will be either but it looks like we won't be able to drive past Lost Lake. Oh well, lets just hope that with the higher temperatures that it will be looking better in a couple weeks for our 5 day trip :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Firework Law

WOO HOO!!!!! Ok, so by now it is a bit of old news but I just thought I would recap on what has been happening with the change in the firework laws in Utah.

Last week the law was finally changed as to allow "multi-tube", "repeater", and "cake" aerial fireworks that can shoot up as high as 150 feet in the air. Although, things such as "m-80's", "cherry bombs", "bottle rockets", and "roman candles" are still not allowed. I don't know about all of you but this excites me very much.

In todays newspaper (the Ogden Standard for me) there was a section titled "Not Thrilled" which explained from the point of view of police and fire officials that this is going to make our neighborhoods "messy and cluttered". That point of view is actually quite funny to me. They decided that trying to tell people it wasn't safe was just a waste of breath so they are trying to detour people from lighting off fireworks on the basis that it will litter the streets. I don't know about everyone else, but I really feel like they are grasping at anything they can find to try and convince people that they are still bad.

Now the best part is this: living so close to Evanston, Wyoming who can argue that the best part of the "firework season" is trying to avoid getting caught by police on the highway coming back with your stash of fireworks. We all know that the highway patrol pulls over as many cars with Utah license plates as they can as soon as they cross back over into Utah. Well, now they can't ticket you for your fireworks (assuming of coarse you don't have the roman candles and bottle rockets.... etc).

I think that its about time Utah finally just gave in and is trying to bring some of the revenue back that is going to another state (according to the newspaper 10% of firework users in Utah go out of state). The sad part is that we still can't have roman candles but that's ok as long as we can still have something a bit better than the stupid fountains. Fountains are fun when you are 7 years old but they definitely don't do it for Independence Day!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Count Down is Ending

Ok, only two more days now. I have to wait two whole days. I can almost smell the sweet Uinta Mountain air already. I have 5 different hikes picked out and now its just a matter of narrowing it down to one. Since this will be the first hike of the year in the Uintas, and also since we will have my boy with us, it will most likely be a shorter hike until we can get back into the summer mountain groove.

I am pretty sure Notch Lake, Marjorie Lake, or potentially the Three Divide Lakes.

We will see, there are still two days to decide.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Book by Napolean Hill

During a time when economic stability remains out of reach for so many, where do you turn for faith, inspiration and hope? Napoleon Hill's just released Outwitting the Devil is your answer.

Since the Great Depression, the self-help movement has influenced generations to incorporate personal growth into their everyday lives. But, are you really reaching your full potential? What holds you back? Could fear be the devil that prevents you from fully embracing opportunity and succeeding?

Napoleon Hill, author of all-time bestselling book, Think and Grow Rich, and one of the founders of the personal development movement, was also quick to point out that obstacles may get in the way of you achieving your true purpose. I am excited to share that a manuscript hidden for over 70 years by Hill's family has just been published on June 7th in which Hill exposes the strategies and tools used by the Devil to keep his grip on your heart and spirit preventing you from achieving your full potential. He then reveals how you can outwit the Devil's influence in your life.

We have the opportunity to learn from Hill's most controversial and provocative writings in Outwitting the Devil. This book, written in 1938 and updated for a modern audience by best-selling author Sharon Lechter, has the power to emerge as the bridge between knowing the theories of success and actually succeeding. I highly recommend it to anyone fighting fear or in search of the next steps to success. You can find Outwitting the Devil now by clicking the Amazon link below.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Count Reset to 10 Days :(

Ok, so the sad news is that my wife and I aren't going to go up to Park City until the 22nd now and that means we won't be fishing the Uintas until the 23rd. My work schedule steals my Monday evening which would have been ideal for her (and then fish tuesday) and then her work schedule won't let her have Wednesday.... Oh well, I guess Ill have to make due with Thursday.

On a brighter note though, The extra few days could mean that more lakes are open and that we can hit a different hike than we had been intending. Who knows, maybe we will get lucky.

I'm crossing my fingers.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Only 10 More Days

Ok, I know its only 10 more days until we get to hit the Uintas but HOLY CRAP!!!!! I'm going stir crazy. That means I have 6 more days of work until then. Oh well, Its coming though..... Seems like its taking forever. And the bad news is that we may not be able to hit several of the lakes that I want until next month. With one of the highest snow pack levels that I have seen in a long time the Mirror Lake Highway isn't expected to be cleared until the end of the month. They didn't give a date other than just the end of June.

However, from the info I have gathered from the forums at Bogley.com there are several great hikes that are already open.... although, with the late storms and extra snow I hear that there are lots more trees down this year and several are fairly large and across the trails. But still, I can't wait to get up there.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A must own Book for newbies in the Uintas

I completely love this book. Has to be the most ingenious work of outdoor literature ever.... well, its informative anyways. I recommend this book for Newbies and also veterans in the High Uintas. I personally still need to visit the majority of the places in this book. Its great, it shows maps and pictures and all that.

Jeffrey Probst also wrote another one called "Best Easy Day Hikes" which I am yet to purchase but from what I have seen of it, it is also a phenomenal book for anyone going to the Uintas.

Trip of Choice

So, I don't know if my wife is as excited as I am but I am freaking out about our first trip into the Uintas this year. She was attempting to surprise me with an unexpected day off work but right after she told me "We are going fishing tomorrow" her boss decided she couldn't have those days off anymore :(

Oh well, maybe we will just end up waiting for the 20th like we had planned.

And did I mention that my fishing pole is now broken? It ended up in the car trunk somehow and all of the rings got bent over. But, oh well..... Now I will have a back up pole Tee Hee. Looks like I get a new one. BONUS!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Conversation of the Week!!

The scene: Korver (my 17 month old) standing by the couch playing with a toy.
I just filled Korvers sippy cup with milk to give him for his nap.
(Korver was almost asleep when we walked in the door but I set him down so I could get his milk.)

Me: Korver, do you want your milk so you can take a nap?
Korver: **shakes his head no** Uh-Uh
Me: Are you sure?
Korver: **nods his head yes**
Me: Well, Im just going to go drink your milk and take a nap then.
Korver: Bye Bye


Who says kids don't understand? That is one of the best conversations I have ever had with him.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Off to work I go

Ok, so with all of the 700 jobs that it seems like I have (ok, well... Im at 4 jobs I guess) this one is the most dreaded. Although it pays quite well for such little amounts of time. I am still just daydreaming about the next fishing trip. Oh well, its coming soon enough I suppose.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Its about that time

Soooooo, I have now been informed (thanks to a forum at bogley.com) that the lower lakes in the Uintas are now accessible. This has me completely freaking out and excited to get up there. Sad part is that since I am so busy I will have to wait until the 20th of June to get up there. And, the second week in July we will be up there for a full week.

If I could become a hermit, the Uinta Mountains are definitely where I would live :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Bogley Outdoor Community

Not too long ago I found a pretty interesting Outdoor Community. http://www.bogley.com/

I stumbled across them while looking for a lake in the Uinta Mountains that may contain Golden Trout. I did, in fact, find a suitable lake that should have Golden Trout in it. And, while I was browsing around on this site I have learned some pretty cool things.

If you are interested in joining an outdoor community, I would recommend this one.

Counting Down The Days

My father in law has a Mechanic Training Event in Park City on the 20th. So that means that we are going to head over there with him and try to hit a couple lakes in the Uintas While we are that close. Hopefully it will be a little more thawed out than it is now..... AURGHHH.... Can't wait to go hiking.