I have been pretty sick for the last few days and it seems that I may actually be getting slightly better (maybe). For this episode I wanted to talk about a conversation I had with Korver this morning.
I filled Korvers little pepsi mug up with some root beer this morning for a treat. This is the conversation we had:
Korver: Dadda, will you drink my root beer with me?
Me: Buddy, I'm sick and I don't want you to get my germs.
Korver: You're not sick, your Dadda.
Me: (as I laugh and cough up half a lung) Well buddy, I am daddy, but I'm also sick. Can't you hear me coughing.
Korver: Don't cough, just share my drink (as he smiles huge)... you can drink the little straw.
Me: Sorry bud, I don't want you to get sick. Wait until I get better and I will share a slurpee with you.
Korver: Dadda, I have to poop
Oh man, I love this kid. I about died.
This just goes to show, that it doesn't matter what you are talking about....... a good poop is all it takes to make you LOVE being a parent.