Thursday, May 17, 2012

Socialness, Etsy, and Business

My lovely wife finally got our Etsy Store up and running and I am pretty excited about it. We don't have much in there yet but hopefully we will be able to get several more things in there soon.

Currently we only have a few T-shirts that we designed in there but hopefully by the end of the week we will have our designed tile work and glass print work in there too. If anyone is interested in visiting our store please check it out @: also while you are at you can always like our Facebook page @:

Thanks to everyone who has helped us up to this point, we have some pretty awesome family and friends.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Eat Your Words Episode 3

This story takes place over about a two week period....

We had gotten several 12 packs of soda for quite cheap (since my wife coupons). We probably had about 3 different flavors open. Korver (who is 2.5 years old now) loves rolling things across the kitchen floor. He was getting out all the cans and rolling them all across the kitchen.

I kept telling Korver to put them all back and he would just reply with: "No daddy, I roll it".

I repeated a couple times telling him that he needed to put them away or he would go to time out. He still wouldn't listen and finally I put him in time out. When time out was finished I asked him why he was in time out and the reply was: "I roll the pop".

This went on for a good duration of the day including soda cans getting thrown and it ended up to be quite the battle. I had to rearrange things in the kitchen so I could put them in a different place that wasn't so accessible.

Fast forwarding two weeks to this very morning I was thinking to myself: "I wish we still had some soda, I don't want to go anywhere right now".

Literally five minutes later Korver had a Mt. Dew Voltage and he was rolling it across the floor.... I have no idea where he got it..... WE HAVE BEEN OUT OF SODA FOR A WEEK (so I thought... apparently we had one more somewhere).

So, I guess you can say that sometimes you just need to EAT YOUR WORDS and enjoy a SODA :)